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Niteshot - Video Live & Info Soirée Autour de toi

4.6 ( 5136 ratings )
الشبكات الاجتماعية فيديو صور آند
المطور: NiteShot

NITESHOT | An overview of the mood of the parties nearby, thankx to videos, in real time !

Dear little wolves,

Have you had ENOUGHT of wasting time in endless queues for parties that turn out to be average?

Are you SICK OF misleading flyers and promotions; of having to pay just to see the vibe inside a party; of spending time and money traveling across your city to finally arrive at a party that turns out to be boring?

● With NITESHOT, you get a real feel for parties near you, in real time, thanks to live videos shot and shared by other Nitekids on the move! See which party you like best, join the pack and share you crazy nights out -

1. Shoot your 13s video
2. Post and share your video
3. Comment on other videos and reply to videos with your own videos
4. Find and follow your friends, djs or clubs
5. Become an Alpha by creating an active following
6. Go out again, share your fun nights out and grow your following

▬▬▬▬ HOW DOES IT WORKS ? ▬▬▬▬▬

► With Niteshot you can watch live videos posted by other Niters at parties near you.
Thanks to this community you have an eye in all the best parties happening around you. The videos are 13 sec and give you a real feel for the vibe, the sound and the people, right here, right now. Like what you see? Feel like you should be there? Niteshot takes you to your destination, whether by foot, car, public transport or Uber, the app does it all for you. Now go out, shoot and share!

▬▬▬▬ YOU CAN ALSO▬▬▬▬

=> Use Geolocation to see where the parties are on Maps
=> Search by keywords, places, people, or trends
=> Like, comment and share on other social networks

√ Available worldwide ! √

No matter where you are in the world, whether on holiday, road trip or short weekend away, thanks to geolocation, Niteshot will guide you to the best parties near you! So no worries, so long as other Niters are in the area, you will always have the inside scoop!

► We would love to hear from you. Please send us any ideas and comments for improving Niteshot by using the #iamniteshot hashtag on Twitter or give us your feedbacks directly on the store.

Join the pack !